Learn to Sing

I believe that singing is a skill that can be learned and improved.

I also believe that myriad reasons to sing exist from self expression and maintaining physical and mental health to community making and performing.

Most important, I truly believe that …

     everyone has the right to sing

You can learn to sing for your own enjoyment or to help you become a better voice user in whatever ways best serve you.

Perhaps you want to improve your speaking voice or feel more at ease expressing yourself. Maybe you want to become a more practiced and skilled choir member, soloist or performer.

Maybe you just want to enjoy hearing the sound of your own voice.

Learning to sing can be all of things.

But, I have discovered that teaching people to sing is mostly about allowing people to be and express themselves.

I offer a number of ways to work with your voice and me:

  • Read my newsletter for singers – I write a newsletter for my singing students. It is chock full of tips, advice and ideas to help you improve your voice. And, subscribers get first notice of upcoming workshops and singing events. Sign up today to start singing stronger, smarter … better.
  • Take a singing workshop – I am a big fan of group learning and ensemble singing. My concentrated “voice-on” events to help you take your singing to the next authentic level. Learn more.

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